Wednesday 18 July 2012

Security Madness - Part 94

I had the pleasure of attending a party at the House of Lords last night. But at one point, I was beginning to wonder whether it was worth going through all the 'security' procedures.

After the police checking your papers, there was airport-style (i.e. slow and irritating) security where you had to queue up and put everything through a scanner, have your picture taken, have your bag searched...

And when they found I had a bottle of hemp oil in my bag, there was much tutting and deliberation before I was allowed through to the next stage.

There we all had to leave our bags behind, before going up three floors to the room where the party was being held.

Plus (and I'm not making this up) we were asked to remove our jackets and leave them behind IF we were planning to wear them into the party room and then take them off, i.e. if you kept your jacket on at this point, then you would have to keep it on throughout the party and would not be allowed to remove it.

Since the room was some distance above us and we had no idea of its, size, temperature or how many people would be in it, it was difficult to assess whether you would be keeping your jacket on or taking it off at some point.

I mentally spun a coin and kept mine on.

It was a good party, but the venue really does need to sort out its door policy.

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