Tuesday 6 March 2012

That's Why The Lady Is A Tree

My colleague Rowena, who is a tree (that's what she says) as well as a homeopath and writer, never ceases to stimulate interesting dialogues.

We began work together many years ago, writing about our opposing views on almost everything, in a series of articles called Double Take. But with the passage of time, we seem to disagree about less and less. ("We always did feel the same... We just saw it from a different from a point of view," as Dylan said.)

But that hasn't dimmed the light of our discussions and it's always an education to sit beneath her spreading branches. We are trying to find a way in which we can turn our ongoing dialogues into a sort-of roadshow... which presupposes that other people are going to be as fascinated by them as we are. But then it's not every day you get a chance to see a man in deep discussions with a tree...

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