Monday 18 June 2012

This Could Run And Run

It's kind of inevitable that if you attend an end-of-year fine art show at Kingston University, London, that you're going to be confronted with an almost naked man painted white (and covered in graffiti) doing odd things against a white backdrop (covered in graffiti).

But Michael Azkoul not only managed to keep his performance piece going for six hours, he also managed to make it so entertaining that he almost always had a rapt audience.

And in between his running, singing, slow-motion martial artistry, lying perfectly still etc, he pulled off — best of all — a great sequence of improvised beats, using walls, floor, hands and feet. Bearing in mind previous post Short And Sweet, this was a lesson in the acceptable face of the drum solo...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for coming to the end of year show Nigel!
    I was quite impressed with Michael's performance too. Especially as I watched the whole scene come to form throughout the week.

    Nice blog too by the way!
